Samuel Culbert specializes in Quick-Assessment/Second-Opinion consultations with special attention given to developing systems and relationships operatives can trust, i.e. more suitable for fulfilling straight-talk communications. For example, he believes performance previews, not reviews, are required for spirited collaboration, trusting relationships and team-work. He believes holding someone who has erred accountable requires consequences but that consequences are better administered through vigorous testing for lessons learned than meted out punishments. He believes the boss’s skin is always in the game and that performance problems encountered are best addressed with understanding, not finger pointing, and boss/direct-report team-work. He likes clarity in structure and hierarchy but eschews hierarchy in relationships. A.k.a. Dr. StraightTalk, you can count on him for thoughtful, multi-perspective analysis and forthrightness in stating how he sees a situation and the improvements he thinks might be made. He sees continuous, life-long personal learning as the key to managerial vitality and high quality relationships as an essential ingredient in organization effectiveness taken as a whole.
Where appropriate, and when time permits, his consultations include avuncular guidance and coaching for high-potential executives. Although not part of the Quick-Assessment /Second Opinion expectation, his model includes the possibility of periodic reflective sessions for leaders and developmental conversations with operatives and groups. He help people hold the tough discussions that can reconcile conflicts and unleash throttled up potential. While his methodologies vary by client, in every instance his goals parallel the ones highlighted in his "Don't Kill the Bosses!" book: authentic teamwork, straight-talk communication, aboveboard politics, esprit de corps, and stand-up-and-be-counted accountability.

Samuel Culbert is a blunt, infotaining and much in demand speaker who reaches out to audiences by asking them to reflect on personal applications for the ideas he presents. Fully able to capture the interest of very large audiences, his specialty is the intimate, interactive ½ -1 day seminar for executives and managers who work together.
For information and to check availability, contact Dr. Culbert at:
E-mail: nobull2u@gmail.com
Tel: (310) 825-7784
By direct mail at: UCLA Anderson School of Management
110 Westwood Plaza,
Box 951481
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1481
Media Contact:
Puja Sangar
Stanford University Press
Tel: (650) 724-4211
Fax: (650) 736-1784
E-mail: puja.sangar@stanford.edu